Did a PowerPoint teach you to ride a bicycle? Why understanding adult learning principles is critical for teaching and facilitating the Open Standards
On Monday 11 April, 2016, Amielle DeWan and Hanna Lenz, both from IFAW, presented a 1,5 hour webinar on Adult Learning for the Conservation Coaches Community (CCNet). This webinar was hosted by Jens Odinga and Albertien Perdok from CCNet Europe (www.ccneteurope.com). You can watch a recording of the virtual training here.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) designed an Open Standards staff training program aligned with the new thinking and best practices in how adults learn or should be taught. These principles in learning and teaching provide new insights into how we think about training coaches and others in the Open Standards; helping us move away from PowerPoint by thinking more about the adult learning, discovery activities, and the experiences trainees bring to the table.
If you want more information about the topic:
Amielle deWan: Amielle@impactbydesigngroup.org
Hanna Lentz: Hanna@impactbydesigngroup.org