2025 Application for CCNet Coach Certification

Below you can download the application form for CCNet Coach Certification.

Please be aware that in addition to submitting your application form there is a cost to apply for conservation coach certification, which covers a review of your application. Certification is not guaranteed and will depend on approval by the review committee.

If you are unsure whether or not you are ready to seek certification, we recommend that you read the coach self-designations. If you decide that you are a Coach-in-Training, it might be best to gain further experience before you apply for certification. Feel free to inquire with John Morrison or Stuart Cowell before filling out the extensive application form.

Note that this application may take considerable time to fill out – especially for the most experienced and qualified applicants.

Once completed, please save the file with your last name at the end and send your form with a cover letter to CCNet’s Global Coordinator, John Morrison (john.morrison@wwfus.org).

You will get an e-mail acknowledging reception of your application and one for reception of payment.

We encourage you to submit your form by the end of February. Once a full application form and payment have been received, the review committee will initiate revisions and will reach out in March-April. Applicants can expect an announcement by the end of May.

After filling out your application form, you can make your payment at this secure link. If you run into any problems while processing your payment, contact Cristina Lasch (clasch@tnc.org).

Available Language(s)

Reviews are closed.