Photo Credit: Ashleigh Baker
News & Events

New Project: Scaling of Indigenous-led conservation using the Conservation Standards! Seeking Regional Facilitators

Institutionalising the Conservation Standards in a South African Parastatal

Want to join the Steering Committee for a New Project: Scaling of Indigenous-led conservation using the Conservation Standards? – send an EOI by April 10

Guidance on Applying the Conservation Standards to Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Thinking and Working Politically When Practicing the Conservation Standards at USAID
The JEDI Learning Initiative needs you!
2020 Cohort of Certified Coaches
Latin American Conservation Coaches Reconnect
Advanced Online Conservation Standards Training for Practitioners in Chile
A Virtual Conservation Standards Training at the 2020 North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Virtual Practitioner Training Through the Center for Wildlife Studies
Virtual Conservation Standards Training Series in Canada
Teaching Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing in Morocco in the Context of COVID-19
Using the Conservation Standards for Inclusive Conservation in the Central African Republic
Webinar with Examples of Conservation Standards in Practice
Putting the “Community” in The Nature Conservancy’s Conservation by Design “Community of Practice”
Building Capacity for the Second Generation of Protected Area Management Plans in Western Mongolia
Aligning Conservation Planning for Mexico’s Natural Protected Areas with Public Policy
Protected Area Staff in South America Share Experiences on Monitoring the Impact of Management
Using the Conservation Standards to Reduce Deforestation in the Ecuadorian Amazon
Using the Conservation Standards to Connect Community-based Efforts with Landscape-scale Results
Meso-American and European Coaches Facilitate Conservation Framework for Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean
2019 Cohort of Certified Conservation Coaches
New CMP Guidance for Using Evidence to Improve Conservation
Conservation Measures Partnership Retreat 2019
Involving Coaches in USAID’s Measuring Impact II Project
New Community of Practice: Indigenous Open Standards Projects
New Conservation Coaches Trained in Europe and 4th European Coaches Rally!
MAVA Foundation “Going Full Cycle” with the Open Standards
Planning for Freshwater Protection in the Southeastern United States
NaturePlan Open Standards Workshops
Healthy Country Planning Training in Manitoba, Canada
Strengthening Protected Areas in Magallanes, Chile
Open Standards Supporting Monitoring of Key Mammals in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil
Science and Strategic Planning Unite to Enhance Conservation Success for Golden Lion Tamarins
Conservation Planning Training Helps Protect Endangered Porpoise in China
Proactive Development Planning for Indigenous Communities
Open Standards / Healthy Country Planning Training in Tasmania, Australia, February 2019
Breaking Convention in Mexico with the Open Standards for Regional Protected Area Planning
Using the Open Standards in Marine Spatial Planning for the Pacific Ocean of Guatemala
Synthesizing 11 Conservation Plans for Western Honduras Using the Open Standards
The Nature Conservancy’s Conservation by Design 2.0 Approach and the Role of Conservation Coaches
Small Grants Programme Partners and Stakeholders Learn to Apply the Open Standards in Kenya
Wunambal Gaambera people in Australia lead the way in conservation planning and caring for Country
Winners of the 2018 CMP-CCNet Adaptive Management Case Study Competition!
Coaches share expertise at the International Congress for Conservation Biology: Conservation Planning at Multiple Scales in Chile
Second Global Adaptive Management Case Study Competition – Due March 30, 2018
Applying the Open Standards to Developing “Smart from the Start” Renewable Energy Policies That Protect Wildlife
CAPitalising on conservation knowledge: Using Conservation Action Planning, Healthy Country Planning and the Open Standards in Australia
Open Standards Prompting Actions for Effective Conservation of Gabon’s largest Ramsar Site
Healthy Country Planning Provides Land Management Tools for Traditional Owners
Collaboration Instead of Conflict: The Western Klamath Restoration Partnership Uses the Open Standards to Achieve Results
CMP – CCNet Global Adaptive Management Case Study Competition – September 15, 2016 Deadline
Coaches Resource Library
CCNet maintains a variety of resources to support Coaches in the presentation and use of the Conservation Standards. Most of the resources are found in multiple languages in the Coaches Notebook that is part of CCNet New Coach Trainings. In addition, in our Resource Library you can find a wealth of support materials shared by Coaches and Conservation Standards practitioners.
Photo Credit: Ashleigh Baker
Our Collaborators
Every organization, agency, project, and individual has its own preferred set of terms. There is no right answer – the most important thing is that the members of your project team and the people with whom you work have a clear and common understanding of whatever terms you choose to use.
Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe
Download CS
The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.
Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla
Contact CCNet
To inquire about supporting CCNet or for general inquiries, please contact:
John Morrison - CCNet Global Coordinator
Cristina Lasch - CCNet Technical Coordinator
Photo Credit: Diane Detoeuf