Conservation Coaches

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Find a Coach > North America > Canada

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Name Country of Residence Title / CompanyExperienceCCNet Certified CoachTeaching Adaptive ManagementCoP - Indigenous CS ProjectsLanguage(s)Avail. to coach in other countries  
Aikens, MarleyCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Anderson, StevenCanadaNature Conservancy of CanadaCoach      
Bagshaw, DarinCanadaConservation Areas Advisor – Government of Northwest TerritoriesCoach      
Barna, HeatherCanadaConservation Planner – Independent ConsultantCoach   English  
Bayha, WalterCanadaDeline Renewable Resources CouncilCoach      
Bazin, RonCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Bellhumeur, KaryneCanadaParks CanadaCoach      
Borg, KimCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Bowles, EllaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Boxwell, JanetCanadaGwichin' Renewable Resources BoardCoach      
Braun, MatthewCanadaManager of Conservation Science and Planning – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach   English  
Brook, LilithCanadaSenior Conservation Areas Advisor – Government of the Northwest TerritoriesCoach      
Bryan, GrahamCanadaManager, Protected Areas – Canadian Wildlife Service - Ontario RegionCoach      
Calabrese, SamanthaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Carriere, Marie-AndreeCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaCoach      
Cheeseman, AdamCanadaNature NB       
Cotter, SarahCanadaParks Canada/ Government of CanadaCoach Trainer   English  
Deland, CarineCanadaDirector of Science and Stewardship, QC – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach   French and English  
Dionne, MarkCanadaBiologist – Canadian Wildlife Service       
Dunford, WendyCanadaCanadian Wildlife Service - Environment CanadaCoach   English, French  
Farrow, LesleyCanadaConservation Coordinator – Environment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Ferguson, LaramieCanadaIndependent Consultant       
Gonzales, EmilyCanadaEcological Restoration Specialist – Parks Canada       
Goose, ErinCanadaGovernment of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural ResourcesCoach      
Haas, ClaudiaCanadaProtected Areas Biologist – Government of the Northwest TerritoriesCoach      
Hamel, CaryCanadaDirector of Conservation (Acting) – Nature Conservancy of Canada, Manitoba RegionCoach      
Harding, CraigCanadaManager of Conservation Science and Planning – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach   English  
Heron, TimCanadaNWT Metis NationCoach      
Hodgkiss, SarahCanadaCarolinian Canada Coalition       
Holman, DeanCanadaLiidli Kue First NationCoach      
Howes, BriarCanadaParks Canada    English  
HsienYung, LinCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Hudson, Virginia (Ginny)CanadaNature Conservancy of CanadaCoach in Training      
Jalava, JarmoCanadaConsulting Ecologist – Independent Consultant       
Jobin, BenoitCanadaHabitat Conservation Specialist – Environment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   French and English  
King, LauraCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Koscinski, DariaCanadaCarolinian Canada Coalition       
Laliberte, BenoitCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Lapointe, Nicolas (Nick)CanadaSenior Conservation Biologist – Freshwater Ecology – Canadian Wildlife Federation       
Latremouille, CharlesCanadaIndependent Consultant – Independent ConsultantCoach   English, FrenchYes 
Lloyd, NatashaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaCoach      
Mackay, GlenCanadaGovernment of the Northwest Territories – Education, Culture and Employment       
MacLeod, BritneyCanadaHabitat Ecologist – Environment and Climate Change CanadaCoach   English  
Maier, KrisCanadaGwichin' Renewable Resources  BoardCoach      
Makletzoff, TonyaCanadaGovernment of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural ResourcesCoach      
Malette, JulieCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Mayberry, RachelCanadaCanadian Wildlife Service       
McDonald, Katherine (Katie)CanadaIndependent Consultant       
Miller, DoriCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Monticone, KateriCanadaNature Conservancy of Canada    French, English  
Morais, TaniaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada – Canadian Wildlife Service       
Morgan, AlexisCanadaPrivate consultant – Independent Consultant     No  
Mountain, LaraCanadaDucks Unlimited, CanadaCoach      
Neufeld, RebekahCanadaConservation Operations Program Coordinator – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach   English  
Neyelle, MichaelCanadaDeline Renewable Resources CouncilCoach      
Noseworthy, JoshCanadaFounding Director & CEO – Global Conservation SolutionsCoachYesYesYesEnglishYes 
Nussey, PatCanadaConservation Planner – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach   English  
Paula, PacholekCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Potter, KarenCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Raymond, CallaCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Reynolds, JamesCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Robson, LauraCanadaConservation Coordinator, ON Region – Nature Conservancy of CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Sargent, TashaCanadaJoint Venture Coordinator – Environment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Siegwart Collier, LauraCanadaA/Ecologist Team Leader, Terra Nova National Park – Parks CanadaCoach in Training      
Sissons, RobertCanadaParks CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Sliwinski, MaggiCanadaParks CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Stanley, MeganCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Stein, KellyCanadaConservation Areas Management Planner – Government of Northwest TerritoriesCoach      
Stevens, JoyCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Stewart, BeckyCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Swallow, MichelleCanadaGovernment of the Northwest Territories - Environment and Natural ResourcesCoach      
Tanaka, AndreaCanadaHabitat Planner, Stewardship – Environment and Climate Change CanadaCoach in Training   English  
Tomlink, MollyCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
Tremblay, ChristianCanadaParks CanadaCoach in Training   English and French  
van Sleeuwen, BrendaCanadaCollaborative Conservation Advisor – Parcs CanadaCoach   English  
Voisin, LeeCanadaEnvironment and Climate Change Canada       
White, JenniferCanadaNature Conservancy of Canada       
Wysocki, KoralCanadaProgram Manager – Carolinian Canada CoalitionCoach   English  
Zimmer, KarlCanadaHead, Stewardship – Environment and Climate Change Canada    English  

Support CCNet Global

The Conservation Coaches Network aims to improve conservation by empowering people to develop, implement, evaluate, adapt and share effective strategies that achieve tangible conservation results benefitting both people and nature all over the world.

Photo Credit: Jason Houston

Coaches Resource Library

CCNet maintains a variety of resources to support Coaches in the presentation and use of the Conservation Standards. Most of the resources are found in multiple languages in the Coaches Notebook that is part of CCNet New Coach Trainings. In addition, in our Resource Library you can find a wealth of support materials shared by Coaches and Conservation Standards practitioners.

Photo Credit: Ashleigh Baker

Our Collaborators

Every organization, agency, project, and individual has its own preferred set of terms. There is no right answer – the most important thing is that the members of your project team and the people with whom you work have a clear and common understanding of whatever terms you choose to use.

Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe

Download CS

The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.

Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla

Contact CCNet

To inquire about supporting CCNet or for general inquiries, please contact:

John Morrison - CCNet Global Coordinator
Cristina Lasch - CCNet Technical Coordinator

Photo Credit: Diane Detoeuf