Conservation Coaches

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Find a Coach > Mongolia

Need help finding a coach? Franchise leaders are happy to help. Contact the franchise leader(s) on the Mongolia Franchise page.

Name Country of Residence Title / CompanyExperienceCCNet Certified CoachTeaching Adaptive ManagementCoP - Indigenous CS ProjectsLanguage(s)Avail. to coach in other countries  
Agchbayar, Khurel-ErdeneMongoliaOtgontengerCoach      
Altangerel, NANSALMAAMongoliaEnvironmental inspector – Khovd province, Environmental DepartmentCoach   Mongolian  
Altangerel, ErdenebayarMongoliaGeneral Manager – Eco-Asia Environmental InstituteCoach Trainer      
Amarbat, Bat-ErdeneMongoliaFAO       
Ankhbayar, EnkhboldMongoliaSpecialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Ariunbaatar, JavkhlanMongoliaCLC project lead – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Ariya, UyangaMongoliaProject coordinator – TNC MongoliaCoach      
Avirmed, OtgonsurenMongoliaWildlife Conservation Network       
Baasandamba, ErdenechimegMongoliaSnow Leopard FundCoach      
Baasanjav, AnkhtsetsegMongoliaLocal coordinator – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Balbar, GankhuyagMongoliaCommunity development officer – TNC Mongolia       
Baljnyam, BatjargalMongoliaWWF MongoliaCoach      
Bandi, DanaajavMongoliaBogdkhan Mountain Strictly Protected AreaCoach      
Basan, MunkhchuluunMongoliaWWF MongoliaCoach      
Batbyamba, KhankhuuMongoliaHustai NPCoach      
Batchuluun, ErdenebayarMongoliaBaigali PAAU, Head – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Batjargal, BaljnyamMongoliaNature resource management officer – WWF Mongolia AHEC       
Batkhuyag, BilguunMongoliaZSL Mongolia       
Batsukh, BayartsengelMongoliaWWF Mongolia       
Batsukh, BatgerelMongoliaGovi gurvan saikhan PAA – Govi gurvan saikhan PAA       
Batsuuri, BaasangungaaMongoliaLocal coordinator – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Bayarbaatar, BuuveibaatarMongoliaSpecialist – ZSLCoach   English and Mongolian  
Bekhbat, BatdorjMongoliaEastern Mongolia Protected Area AdministrationCoach      
Bold, AldarmaaMongoliaSenior specialist – Onon Balj NP       
Bolortsetseg, SanjaaMongoliaWildlife Conservation NetworkCoach      
Byambaa, OyunmunkhMongoliaFreshwater Specialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Chireebal, AlimaaMongoliaSpecialist – Uvs Lake basin PAACoach   English and Mongolian  
Dashnyam, AltantuyaMongoliaBaigali PAAU, specialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Davaa, KHADBAATARMongoliaSpecialist in Agriculture – Sukhbaatar province, Agriculture DepartmentCoach      
Davaa, GalbadrakhMongoliaTNCCoach       
Davaakhuu, BolortsetsegMongoliaSenior Specialist – Khan khentii SPA       
Dembee, BaigalmaaMongoliaAltai Sayan Field office manager – WWF-MongoliaCoach   Mongolian  
Dembereldash, BaigalmaaMongoliaTNC       
Dondog, AltangerelMongoliaArgali centerCoach      
Dondogdorj, GanbataarMongoliaNRM specialist in Eastern field office – WWF-MongoliaCoach   Mongolian  
Dorjpalam, MunguntsetsegMongoliaOnon Balj PAA – Onon Balj PAA       
Dorjsuren, UrjinbadamMongoliaKhuvsgul National ParkCoach      
Dutton, IanUnited StatesPrincipal – Nautilus Impact InvestingCoach Trainer   English, IndonesianYes 
Egidarev, EugeneRussiaSenior Specialist – WWF Russia, AHEC       
Enkhbold, GalbadrakhMongoliaASER – WWF-Mongolia       
Enkhmunkh, GanboldMongoliaSenior Specialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Enkhtsetseg, TuguldurMongoliaProject Lead – TNCCoach Trainer      
Erdenebat, BaasansurenMongoliaMongolian Bird Conservation Center       
Erdenechimeg, BaasansurenMongoliaNRM officer – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Ganbold, BolortuyaMongoliaAHEC – WWF       
Gankhuyag, BalbarMongoliaWWF AHECCoach Trainer      
Gantumur, SELENGEMongoliaCommunications manager – WWF-MongoliaCoach   English and Mongolian  
Gantumur, KHUDERCHULUUNMongoliaResearcher – Ministry Environment & TourismCoach   Mongolian  
Gordon, DoriaUnited StatesEDF    English  
Gungaadagdan, OYUNERDENEMongoliaSpecialist in Agriculture – Khentii province, Agriculture DepartmentCoach   Mongolian  
Ichinkhorloo, SARANGERELMongoliaLead specialist – Saraana Nature Conservation FoundationCoach      
Khaltar, OyunbilegMongoliaMEGDCoach      
Khurel-Erdene, AgchbayarMongoliaOtgontengerCoach      
Kolya, TerbishMongoliaNumrug PAA       
Lasch, CristinaMexicoConservation Planning & Adaptation Lead & CCNet Technical Coordinator – TNCCoach Trainer   Spanish, English, German  
Locol, BayarmaaMongoliaPFP project officer – TNC       
Mijidsuren, KHONGORZULMongoliaProject specialist – FAO - MongoliaCoach   Mongolian, English  
Morrison, JohnUnited StatesManager, Conservation Planning & Measures; Coordinator-CCNet – WWF USCoach TrainerYes  English  
Munkh-Ochir, UrtnasanMongoliaEastern Mongolia Protected Area AdministrationCoach      
Munkh-Od, DashpurevMongoliaOnon baljCoach      
Munkhbat, UuganbayarMongoliaWWF       
Munkhdalai, MUNKHZAYAMongoliaSpecialist – METCoach   Mongolian  
Munkhnast, DalannastMongoliaWWFCoach      
Munkhuu, BaasandorjMongoliaWildlife Monitoring Contractor – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Myagmar, MUNKHJARGALMongoliaSpecialist – WSCCCoach   English and Mongolian  
Namsrai, OyunchimegMongoliaNUM – NUM       
Naranpurev, NARANGERELMongoliaSpecialist – Khustain nuruu National park administrationCoach   English and Mongolian  
Nergui, MUNKHTUVSHINMongoliaSpecialist – ZSLCoach   Mongolian  
Norvanchig, JAVZANSURENMongoliaKM & ME specialist - GEF7 project – WWF-MongoliaCoach   English and Mongolian  
Norvanchig, JavzansurenMongoliaWWF FAO – WWFCoach      
Nyamsambuu, BaigalmaaMongoliaFinance manager – Wildlife Conservation NetworkCoach   English and Mongolian  
Ochirkhuyag, LkhamjavMongoliaWildlife Conservation NetworkCoach      
Otgonbayar, BayanmunkhMongoliaSenior specialist – Munkhkhairkhan SPA       
Oyunsaikhan, GanbaatarMongoliaDepartment on Special Protected Areas Administration, GobiCoach      
Pague, ChrisUnited StatesLead Senior Conservation Ecologist – TNCCoach Trainer   EnglishYes 
Perenlei, GalragchaaMongoliaIndependent ConsultantCoach      
Puntsag, GerleeMongoliaProject specialist in Land management – FAOCoach   Mongolian  
Purev-Ochir, GankhuyagMongoliaMongolian bird conservation centerCoach      
Purevsuren, GUNGAATSERENMongoliaLocal coordinator – Independent ConsultantCoach   Mongolian  
Purevsuren, GaltsogMongoliaMyangan Ugalzat National ParkCoach      
Sandag, TumurbatMongoliaWildlife Conservation Network       
Sereeterdorj, TsendsurenMongoliaMEGDCoach      
Surenkhorloo, PurevdorjMongoliaFreshwater specialist WWF – WWF       
Suvd, PurevjavMongoliaUNDPCoach      
Tamir, MandakhMongoliaKhan-Khentii National ParkCoach      
Tegsheebaatar, OyuntugsMongoliaAgency for Land Administration and Management , Geodesy and Carography, Government of Mongolia       
Terbish, OyunchimegMongoliaDornod PAA – Dornod PAA       
Toomoo, LodoiMongoliaEnvironment department of Gobi-Altai – Environment department of Gobi-Altai       
Tsedendash, TuvshinbatMongoliaSpecialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Tsendsuren, OyungerelMongoliaEnvironment department of Sukhbaatar aimag       
Tserenbat, UCHRAKHZAYAMongoliaProject specialist in PA management – Ministry Environment & TourismCoach   Mongolian, English  
Tserenbat, MunkhbatMongoliaCEO, Khomiin taliin takhi NGO – Takhiin Tal       
Tserendorj, MUNKHZULMongoliaConservation planner – TNC MongoliaCoach   Mongolian  
Tumurbaatar, DorjkhandMongoliaWWF       
Tungalag, GansukhMongoliaUNDPCoach      
Turmunkh, BoldbaatarMongoliaSpecialist – Ministry Environment & Tourism       
Yunden, BayarjagalMongoliaScience director – TNC       
Zayabaatar, GerelchimegMongoliaMunkhkhaan ranger – Ministry Environment & Tourism       

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The Conservation Coaches Network aims to improve conservation by empowering people to develop, implement, evaluate, adapt and share effective strategies that achieve tangible conservation results benefitting both people and nature all over the world.

Photo Credit: Jason Houston

Coaches Resource Library

CCNet maintains a variety of resources to support Coaches in the presentation and use of the Conservation Standards. Most of the resources are found in multiple languages in the Coaches Notebook that is part of CCNet New Coach Trainings. In addition, in our Resource Library you can find a wealth of support materials shared by Coaches and Conservation Standards practitioners.

Photo Credit: Ashleigh Baker

Our Collaborators

Every organization, agency, project, and individual has its own preferred set of terms. There is no right answer – the most important thing is that the members of your project team and the people with whom you work have a clear and common understanding of whatever terms you choose to use.

Photo Credit: Chris Scarffe

Download CS

The Conservation Standards is the product of inputs, field tests, and discussions among members of the Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP), which has final editorial authority over the Conservation Standards. Substantial input was also provided by members of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) and other CMP partners.

Photo Credit: Felix Cybulla

Contact CCNet

To inquire about supporting CCNet or for general inquiries, please contact:

John Morrison - CCNet Global Coordinator
Cristina Lasch - CCNet Technical Coordinator

Photo Credit: Diane Detoeuf