Changes in Franchise Leadership

CCNet Australia:Franchise_changes_Australia2016

We are happy to welcome Natalie Holland (Conservation Projects Manager, TNC) back as co-franchise lead. Natalie provides leadership in CCNet Australia together with Paul Koch (Lead Scientist and Planner from Greening Australia). We thank Ben Carr for serving as co-franchise leader this last year.


CCNet North America:Franchise_changes_CentralUS2016

We are happy to welcome our two new co-franchise leaders for the Central United States: John Paskus (Lead
Conservation Planner & Senior Conservation Scientist, Michigan Natural Features Inventory) and Doug Pearsall (Senior Conservation Scientist, The Nature Conservancy-Michigan). We thank John Heaston for serving as franchise leader during part of this year.



CCNet Mongolia:

We are happy to welcome Munkhchuluun Basan, Protected Area Officer, WWF-Mongolia, who serves as co-franchise leader together with Tuguldur (Tuugii) Enkhtsetseg, Conservation Biologist, The Nature Conservancy-Mongolia.