Story by Felix Cybulla, Hui Shim Tan, Annette Olsson, Pip Walsh, Cristina Lasch
On behalf of our CCNet community, we would like to express our gratitude to Hui Shim Tan (Head or the Planning, Development and Monitoring Unit, WWF-Malaysia) who has been serving as franchise leader for Malaysia/Indonesia for several years. Now Hui Shim is joined by Felix Cybulla (Independent Adviser, Conservation Planning & Adaptive Management) and Annette Olsson (Scientific Technical Advisor, Conservation International) to form and lead the new CCNet Southeast Asia franchise. This decision was approved by the CCNet board and we are very grateful for this renewed and increased leadership in such an important region. Please join us in welcoming Annette and Felix as new franchise leaders.
The idea to form a Southeast Asia franchise came up a few months ago, and after a meeting at the 2018 Coaches Rally in Australia and an official online meetup, Felix, Hui Shim, and Annette decided to create and co-lead the new franchise. With all three living in Southeast Asia, circumstances are ideal to spread support for the Open Standards and inspire and engage new conservation coaches within the region.
As a kick-off event, the team is working with CCNet coach Pip Walsh to plan a New Coaches Training for November 12-16, 2018, in Malaysia. Although the participants list is full already, the team is willing to keep a waiting list in case a space opens up. If you’d like to be considered, contact Felix Cybulla.
For conservation coaching needs or ideas in Southeast Asia, please contact Annette, Hui Shim, and Felix.