CCNet Global 2015-2016 Accomplishments

2015-16 CCNet accomplishmentsHere we provide a summary of our achievements. The full overview can be downloaded here.

Recruiting and Training Coaches

In just the past year, CCNet hosted seven workshops in Canada, Mongolia, Australia, Malaysia, United States of America (Colorado) and Kenya, training 152 conservation coaches.

We currently have almost 600 active coaches, representing 179 institutions and helping projects in over 60 countries on all continents. Approximately half of our members work with non-profit organizations, followed by independent consultancies and government agencies representing close to 15% each, approximately 5% work with academic institutions and community-based and indigenous organizations, and less than 3% represent networks, foundations and land trusts.

Promoting Coach Development

Prior to the global Rally in Spain, a “Coach Refresher Course” was offered by an international group of seasoned coaches for nineteen coaches who had not coached for a while and wanted to “get back in the saddle.”

Connecting and Supporting Coaches

Our Global Rally – We held our sixth CCNet Rally from September 29 to October 1, 2015 at Món Sant Benet, Barcelona, Spain. Our group filled the quiet medieval Benedictine monastery with a joyful multi-lingual buzz, as 136 participants from government agencies, indigenous land management agencies, foundations, non-profits, academic institutions, and several independent consultants mingled to learn, connect, and celebrate. In total we represented 35 countries and 39 different institutions across six continents.

Our Franchises – CCNet Franchises are localized groups or network hubs, who link and strengthen coaches within each region. This year we expanded our reach with a new franchise in Malaysia/Indonesia, and are strengthening existing franchises with new leadership in North America, Mesoamerica and South America. In addition, CCNet Europe has been working on formalizing its organizational structure to strengthen financial sustainability and CCNet Australia held a muster, where colleagues met to sharpen specific skills and to plan for the future of their regional network.

Our Website – We have added updated content, reviewed and rated training materials with an inter-institutional vetting team, linked our CCNet News to stories on our website and improved search capacities on our CCNet web site:, to enable colleagues from around the world to access resources for free to help conservation and sustainable development projects and train colleagues in multiple languages.

Our Listserv – Through a simple e-mail exchange service we currently connect 480 subscribers from around the world who ask questions, share experiences and tell each other about interesting opportunities about the application of the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, and topics related to the practice of conservation and sustainable development.

Our Newsletter – This year we moved our CCNet News to an online platform, to improve the technology and enable readers to browse stories on a phone, tablet or computer. Our newsletter is a unique forum where conservation practitioners tell stories about their work around the world in their own words. We invite you to look at past editions and sign up for the CCNet News here.

Your support made these accomplishments possible!

Our global work is made possible by the considerable in-kind support provided by our members, partner organizations and donors. We are very grateful for the support that each of you provides to help our community thrive so we can continue helping project teams around the world find solutions that bring hope to people and nature.


What lies ahead next year for CCNet in 2017 and 2018?

  • Establish a professional certification process for conservation coaches.
  • Expand professional growth opportunities for CCNet members.
  • Investigate new funding models to contribute to a self-sustaining network.
  • Holding our bi-annual gathering, the CCNet Rally, slated for April 2018, most likely in Australia, to foster international participation.

CCNet contacts: John Morrison, WWF – CCNet General Coordinator

 Brad Northrup, CCNet Chair