Participants in a recent webinar learned how to use Miradi in Mongolian Protected Areas. Photo by Tuguldur Enkhtsetseg, TNC Mongolia.
Story from Annette Stewart, Conservation Systems Adviser at Bush Heritage Australia
The Miradi User Group held its first two webinars earlier this year. The Miradi webinars are hosted quarterly, and each webinar is run twice with different presenters in different time zones so that people all across the global CCNet have a chance to join. So far we have had presenters from Mongolia, Tanzania, Turkey, Bolivia, The Netherlands, US, and Australia. The presentation recordings and supplementary training materials are available on our new community page. You can also view the recordings on the Miradi User Group You-tube channel.
Our upcoming September webinar will focus on monitoring. In December, we will focus on work planning. If you have experience in these areas, or would like to deliver a five-minute “How We Use Miradi” presentation to the group, contact Kari Stiles or with Annette Stewart. You can also contact us to be added to the invitation list to for upcoming webinars.